Mark W. Parrino, M.P.A
President, AATOD
212.566.5555, x200
For Immediate Release
HHS / SAMHSA Releases New OTP Regulations
(New York, New York – February 2, 2023) — The American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) represents over 1,300 OTPs in the United States. We commend HHS / SAMHSA in releasing their final regulations, which provide guidance to OTPs. These enlightened and thoughtful regulations have been in preparation for over one year and we appreciate the fact that these regulations have been reviewed by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
- These final regulations will increase access to treatment admission to OTPs by eliminating the one-year requirement of opioid use disorder history prior to patient admission.
- It makes take home medication flexibilities permanent and based on the clinical judgment of OTP personnel.
- It allows for methadone induction through audio-visual telehealth through the OTP.
- It eliminates stigmatizing language in referring to patients in treatment.
SAMHSA responded to comments that they received following the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (12/13/2022).
In implementing a number of rollouts to the field, it is anticipated that SAMHSA will conduct webinars for many interested parties including State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Authorities and third party payors. Having the cooperation of such parties will be required in order to implement many elements of the final rule.
Federal and state officials will be presenting and discussing these major policy matters at AATOD’s approaching Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada during May 18-22, 2024.
Our Association and its member OTPs will look forward to working with SAMHSA and all other related parties as we improve access to care in the OTPs through these innovative final regulations. We extend our gratitude to SAMHSA for hearing our concerns so that we can improve our ability to care for our patients.
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