20th Anniversary AATOD Conference
Approximately 1,300 individuals participated in AATOD’s 20th Anniversary National Conference, which convened against the magical backdrop of Orlando, Florida. The participants included treatment providers from across the country discussing both U.S. and international issues in addition to government officials, patient advocates and researchers. The Conference continued in its tradition of offering intensive pre conference sessions, updating courses for clinicians and patient advocates. It also provided two groundbreaking sessions, focusing on opioid treatment in correctional settings in addition to providing program managers with a better understanding of implementing risk management measures in the OTP setting.
This webpage contains a significant amount of information, which was included as part of the workshop presentations. This is the first time such information is being made available.
The Conference achieved its objectives in advancing a number of AATOD’s critical initiatives, including expanding access to methadone treatment through the criminal justice setting and working to better understand the impact that prescription opioids is having on OTP admission.
This anniversary conference provided a critical link between past conference successes and our next event, which is scheduled to convene during April 2006 in Atlanta, Georgia.
2004 Conference Literature
- 2004 Final Conference Program PDF
- 2004 Standard Registration Brochure PDF
- 2004 Exhibit Prospectus PDF
2004 List of Exhibitors PDF
2004 Conference Handouts
- 2004 Pre-Conference Sessions
Risk Management in the OTP
Opioid Treatment in a Corrections Setting – One Community’s Response - 2004 Workshop Presentations
A Model for Developing, Implementing and Integrating Patient Advisory Committees in Opioid Treatment Programs
An NTP Affiliated Office-Based Opiate Treatment (OBOT) Program in a Public Setting Assessment and Treatment Planning for Clinicians
Contingency Management Approach: Implementation and Outcomes
Ethnic and Cultural Considerations in the Clinical Management of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
Even Borderlines Get the Blues: Treating the Person, Not Just the Problem
Evidence-Based Interventions for Difficult Clinical Challenges
Hepatitis C Treatment: Support, Empowerment and Education
Illicit Substance Use in Treatment: A Retention-Focused Approach
Maintaining Accreditation: Meeting the Challenges of Compliance
Medical Aspects of Methadone
Pharmacotherapy during Pregnancy: Methadone, Buprenorphine and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Prescription Opioid Dependence
Psychiatric Co-Morbidity
Residential Treatment: “What’s Methadone Got to Do With It”
Seeking Safety: A Model for Treating Trauma and Opioid Dependence
Spirituality and Opioid Treatment
Using Buprenorphine in Opioid Treatment Programs: An Exploration of the Situation
Using Simple Microsoft Tools to Track, Measure and Report Patient Outcomes
2004 Conference Photos
2004 Conference Presentations
40th Anniversary of Opioid Agonist Pharmacotherapy for Heroin and Related Opiate Addiction:Perspectives and Expectations for the Future (Powerpoint)
This presentation was made by Mary Jeanne Kreek, MD (Professor and Head, The Laboratory of the Biology of Addictive Diseases, Rockefeller University, New York, NY) during the Middle Plenary Session entitled “Research to Practice: Using Evidence-Based Methods in Community Treatment and Drug Court Settings. (October 19, 2004)
2004 Conference Speeches
Remarks Made by Mark Parrino, AATOD President, during the Plenary Session entitled “National Drug Policy: Reducing Demand by Improving Treatment Access” October 19, 2004
2004 Related Articles
Excerpts taken from the Fall 2004 issue of Addiction Treatment Forum written by Stewart B. Leavitt, Ph.D. PDF