2021 AATOD Webinar Series Announcement
(June 1, 2021 – December 21, 2021)
AATOD is delighted to announce the upcoming production of two FREE webinar series during the latter part of 2021. These webinars will be open to the public, but we wanted to give our conference attendees advanced notice of these educational opportunities. Please be on the lockout for registration details through eblasts in the coming months from our organization. These are the topics that will be addressed:
- Telehealth Training
AATOD has received two grants under the Opioid Response Network (ORN) initiative, as managed by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). One of the grants will allow AATOD to produce two telehealth training seminars for OTPs. We are currently working with a number of other policy organizations with regard to the use of telehealth services and the training sessions that we produce will be specific to opioid treatment programs. There has been an increasing interest in the use of telehealth services during the time of COVID-19, and we have learned that more stable patients appear to prefer the convenience of telehealth opportunities, while newly admitted and less clinically stable patients prefer in person clinical interactions. - Criminal Justice Initiatives
AATOD is also working on two webinars which will focus on criminal justice initiatives, including MAT expansion in correctional facilities and different parts of the justice system.Our association conducted a survey several years ago among 50 CEOs of OTPs and more than 80% of such executives expressed an interest in expanding access to MAT with subsequent referrals to OTPs when the inmates were released from confinement.
Past Webinars
Webinar Recording is now available. *NEW
PowerPoint Presentations:
- Increasing Access to Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in the Criminal Justice Setting by Mark Parrino
- A Continuum of Care: The Criminal Justice Role in Treatment by Paul Samuels
- Comprehensive Medication Assisted Treatment for Corrections (CMAT-C)
Implementing & Sustaining Enhanced MAT in Corrections: Considerations for Diversion, Recidivism & Saving Lives by Linda Hurley
This is one of the major policy initiatives for AATOD and we know that you will find the information to be of great value.
AATOD is offered a criminal justice webinar which builds on the webinars that we have produced in the past as we steadily increase access to MAT in the correctional setting.
Mark Parrino, AATOD President, introduced the webinar and served as its moderator and there were two featured speakers.
· Paul Samuels (President/Legal Action Center) focused on the work of the Legal Action Center in moving this policy forward. The LAC is one of the leading authorities in this area and they published a groundbreaking report in 2011 on this topic.
· Linda Hurley (CEO/CODAC) provided an update of the workings and achievements of her team’s implementation of a successful OTP in the Rhode Island correctional system with the support of the State Opioid Treatment Authority and Department of Corrections. CODAC is the largest opioid treatment program system in RI and their model serves as one of the great success stories in this area.
There was time for Q&A at the end of these presentations.